Friday, November 20, 2009

Baking Cookies for Daddy

Dancing with my baby named Maya

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Gymnastics Class

Getting ready to leave for class

Here are a few videos from Sam's gymnastics

class. The videos aren't the best because they were

taken on Alex's phone, not the camera. If you can't

tell, she's in a white tshirt/pants and I'm helping

in a black tshirt/jeans.

Going thru an obstacle course

Jumping down the trampoline & into the foam pit

Jumping on the trampline in the far back

Random Pics

Dressing up like daddy!

Singing happy birthday with my crazy hair.

My first haircut

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Weekend

Halloween Night

Huber's Farm

Practicing my trick or treating!

U of L Basketball Game


Cheering on the Cards

Neighborhood Halloween Party

Jumping with Josie

Sliding with Mommy

Sliding with Patty